Discussion on Blog Keyword

The Keyword Count

A written blog with words which are included as text on the page is 'tokenized' by search engine robots to understand what information is being presented, for the eventual recommendation to an audience.

Each word, each phrase, paragraph, article, caption, etc are all content and the search engine 'parses' these words, typically counting them, and performing a calculated analysis of reality.

Keyword density, which is how many times a keyword appears on the page is a computed result, but also where the keywords appear (are they higher in the document, lower, or clustered in a single paragraph) are also considered for the relevance of a page.

Unseen Keywords
In addition to keywords which the person can see, link text, H1 - H5 and title text, the meta keywords of a page also contribute to the relevance of a page.

Head Title: In the <head> section of a page the title is counted towards the page keywords. These words show up in the 'open tab' of a browser, and Blogger auto fills the <title></title> tag with the same words found in the page title

Meta Descriptions: Also in the <head> section of a page words describing what the page is about are also counted towards the page keywords. These words show up as the search engine results 'description' and Blogger allows the user to add these words from the right-hand menu item named "Search Description"

Meta Keywords: For us these are called 'labels' and while a page can get penalized if too many keywords are found the current recommendation is to limit it to 25 keywords, keeping in mind that a phrase "this is a phrase" is considered one keyword.

Page-SLUG: The URL of the page is often called the slug, and in blogger it is called a permalink. The words used in this link area also considered keywords and they are very important, and high-ranking. Blogger allows you to update the Permalink words from the right hand menu. 

The location tag, which is especially relevant to users on mobile devices also plays into the 'relevance' of a page. Consider a person searching for 'dentist' 'emergency'..., in this case a local dentist is much preferred over dentists in far away lands and cities. 
