
Dealing with HTML

In any document, we have the ability to add style, and coordinate placement on the page. We often simply use the WYSIWYG editor      make text red     make text bold     make text italic In addition, we can 'markup' or use <html> to achieve these results make text red make text bold make text italic This should be red text WYSIWYG  Simple link to JJC Website (wysiwyg) WYSIWYG  Simple link to JJC Website (wysiwyg)   WYSIWYG  Simple link to JJC Website (wysiwyg) WYSIWYG A Link to W3Schools Simple Link to JJC Website Simple Link to JJC Website   Insert A List (numbered, vs unordered) Insert an Image  Insert a Table    Red Food Yellow Food👱👸 Strawberry Bell Pepper Apple Banana Click me

Food and Friends

The key to a finding your next favorite sushi restaurant, is to spot one that is full of people. A really busy restaurant is a really good sign.   Nori Sushi Roll

Insert Picture with Size

  Easy like the JJC Logo       

Discussion on Blog Keyword

The Keyword Count A written blog with words which are included as text on the page is 'tokenized' by search engine robots to understand what information is being presented, for the eventual recommendation to an audience. Each word, each phrase, paragraph, article, caption, etc are all content and the search engine 'parses' these words, typically counting them, and performing a calculated analysis of reality. Keyword density, which is how many times a keyword appears on the page is a computed result, but also where the keywords appear (are they higher in the document, lower, or clustered in a single paragraph) are also considered for the relevance of a page. Unseen Keywords In addition to keywords which the person can see, link text, H1 - H5 and title text, the meta keywords of a page also contribute to the relevance of a page.   Head Title : In the <head> section of a page the title is counted towards the page keywords. These words show up in the 'open tab...

Demo to Show Inserting Alt Text

This is a demo for how to insert, and check to see if an image has alt-text. This is an image (the logo for JJC)